Kannon Do Zen Meditation Center Podcasts

These talks are from the weekly lectures presented by the abbot and guest speakers. Located in Mountain View, California, Kannon Do is a Soto Zen meditation center in the tradition of Zen Master Shunryu Suzuki. Since its inception in the mid-1960's, Kannon Do has provided opportunities for daily meditation and retreats, as well as the study of Buddhist teachings and the exploration of spiritual practice in daily life.
Episodes 76-84 of 274 episodes

84. Guest Speaker: Latoya Peterson

September 12, 2020 | Podcast

Online Buddhism in Society Discussion Series about Systemic Racism.

83. Life is perfect

September 2, 2020 | Podcast

This talk explores going beyond striving and regaining a sense of oneness and connection with the world.

80. Guest Speaker: Vanessa Able

August 25, 2020 | Podcast

Wisdom from the Fountain: What Can Art Teach Us About Freedom?

78. Guest Speaker: Travis Marsot

August 6, 2020 | Podcast

Siblingship – The Ways in which Class Structures Estrange Us.

76. Guest Speaker: Stevan Jackson

July 31, 2020 | Podcast

World Bank Senior External Affairs Officer Stevan Jackson discusses his personal experience with racism. He describes what it is like, the impact it had on him, and suggestions for ways forward.