
Kannon Do provides a supportive environment for exploring our human spirituality

About Kannon Do and Zen Buddhism

Kannon Do, located in Mountain View, brings the spiritual practice of Soto Zen Buddhism to the Peninsula and South Bay. Its mission is to provide a welcoming environment for individuals to explore Zen practice as well as to encourage a spiritual worldview that will bring balance to the distractions and demands of life in the modern world.

New to Zen practice or Kannon Do?

Read the history

Primary activities include:

  • Meditation
  • Exploration of Buddhist teachings
        – Precepts (Download printable image)
  • Discovering ways that Zen practice can be expressed in the activities of daily life

Schedule Get Started with Kannon Do


This 5 minute video shows the relevance of Zen practice to daily life in the modern world. Kannon Do members talk about their personal experiences with the practice and the role it plays in their lives.

Weekly Zen Schedule

*All times are in the Pacific Time Zone

In Person Time
Virtual Time


In Person Zazen 5:30 – 6:10am
Virtual Morning Meditation (Zoom link) 5:30 – 6:10am


In Person Zazen 5:30 – 6:10am
Virtual Morning Meditation (Zoom link) 5:30 – 6:10am


In Person Zazen 5:30 – 6:10am
In Person Evening
     Zazen (meditation)
     Loving Kindness Meditation Service
     Dharma Talk and Q&A
     Tea & Cookies in the courtyard
7:10 – 7:50pm
7:50 – 8:00pm
8:00 – 9:00pm
9:00 – 9:30pm
Virtual Morning Meditation (Zoom link) 5:30 – 6:10am
Virtual Meditation and Lecture 7:10 – 9:00pm
     Meditation 7:10 – 7:50pm
     Dharma talk and Q&A 8:00 – 9:00pm


In Person Zazen 5:30 – 6:10am
Virtual Morning Meditation (Zoom link) 5:30 – 6:10am


In Person Zazen 5:30 – 6:10am
Virtual Morning Meditation (Zoom link) 5:30 – 6:10am


In Person Saturday Program  
     Zazen (meditation) 5:30 – 6:10am
     Kinhin 6:10 – 6:20am
     Zazen 6:20 – 7:00am
     Service (Zendo will be connected to Zoom) 7:00 – 7:30am
     Breakfast 7:30 – 8:10am
     Temple Cleaning 8:10 – 9:10am
     Zazen 9:30 – 10:10am
Virtual Saturday Program (Zoom link) 5:30 – 7:25am
     Meditation 5:30 – 6:10am
     Walking Meditation 6:10 – 6:20am
     Meditation 6:20 – 7:00am
     Service 7:00 – 7:25am

Weekly Online Zen Schedule

*All times are in the Pacific Time Zone

Monday – In Person

Zazen5:30 – 6:10am
Tuesday – In Person

Zazen5:30 – 6:10am
Wednesday – In Person

Zazen5:30 – 6:10am

In Person Evening

Zazen (meditation)7:10 – 7:50pm
Loving Kindness Meditation Service7:50 – 8:00pm
Dharma Talk and Q&A8:00 – 9:00pm
Zazen (meditation)7:10 – 7:50pm
Tea & Cookies in the courtyard 9:00 – 9:30pm
Thursday – In Person

Zazen5:30 – 6:10am
Friday – In Person

Zazen5:30 – 6:10am
Saturday – In Person

Zazen (meditation)5:30 – 6:10am
Kinhin6:10 – 6:20am
Zazen6:20 – 7:00am
Service (Zendo will be connected to Zoom)7:00 – 7:30am
Breakfast7:30 – 8:10am
Temple Cleaning8:10 – 9:10am
Zazen9:30 – 10:10am
Monday – Virtual

Virtual Morning Meditation 5:30 – 6:10am
Tuesday – Virtual

Virtual Morning Meditation 5:30 – 6:10am
Wednesday – Virtual

Virtual Morning Meditation 5:30 – 6:10am
Virtual Meditation and Lecture 7:10 -9:00pm
Meditation 7:10 – 7:55pm
Dharma talk or discussion 7:55 – 9:00pm
Thursday – Virtual

Virtual Morning Meditation 5:30 – 6:10am
Friday – Virtual

Virtual Morning Meditation 5:30 – 6:10am
Saturday – Virtual

Saturday Program 5:30 – 7:25am
Meditation 5:30 – 6:10am
Walking Meditation 6:10 – 6:20am
Meditation 6:20 – 7:00am
Service 7:00 – 7:25am

Join our Zoom Now

Books from Kannon Do

In his first book, Les Kaye shows that it is possible to find balance in fulfilling the responsibilities of earning a living and providing for one’s family while at the same time expressing spirituality in one’s life.

Here is an excerpt from the audio book:

Explores the growing relationship between Zen and the personal impact of progress and technology in today’s world.

Here is an excerpt from the audio book: