Dharma School

    Major Responsibilities

  • Provides child care/activities during the 9:20 AM sitting on Saturdays.
  • Prepares zendo on last Saturday of the month for children’s service and arranges the children’s participation in it during Dharma school.
  • Periodically arranges for special activities/outings/parties which are specifically designed for the children but take place on other days or times than normal Dharma school.
  • Organizes some special event/activity for the celebration of Buddha’s birthday.

    Job Details

  • Every Saturday (when needed), one or two adults are responsible for the care of sangha members’ children. The Dharma school coordinator sets up a schedule of adults willing to be at the zendo each Saturday, usually one adult per week, so that at least four people are regular “teachers.” Dharma school takes place during the 9:20 AM sitting every Saturday morning. If the weather permits, activities take place outside the zendo. In inclement weather, the sangha room is used for quiet activity. All activities are designed to directly or indirectly relate Buddhist teachings such as working together as a group in a joyous and peaceful manner, encouraging generosity, or manifesting/modeling the precepts.

    How Often?

  • Saturdays (when needed) and a few extra times during the year