Financial support of Kannon Do is based on the traditional Buddhist practice of Dana, an expression of heartfelt charity and generosity. We reflect and contribute according to our own personal means, rather than by a specified dues amount. 

Dana suggests a monthly financial contribution of one hour of an individual’s monthly income. As an example, based on a work year of 2,000 hours (40 hrs/week x 50 weeks), Dana for individuals receiving $80,000 per year would be $40 per month. For incomes of $60,000 or less, Dana would be $30 per month.
If you wish to make a tax-deductible* donation, you can
- leave cash or a check in the donation box in front of the meditation hall
- mail a check to Kannon Do, or
- donate via PayPal’s secure website using the Donate button above. Enter the amount you want to donate; to make the amount a monthly donation, check the box “Make this a monthly donation.”
If you previously set up a recurring payment via PayPal using the button above and wish to stop that payment, you may use the button below.
* Kannon Do is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax I.D.: 94-2837356
For any questions regarding online donations, contact